Wednesday, April 29, 2009

We've Moved to ACES Radio Live

Hello and Thank You,

I appreciate you taking a few minutes to stop by my blog to learn more about what I'm doing.

Thanks to my good friend Tom Chenault for allowing me the opportunity to get my feet wet and cut my teeth so to speak in the radio business by doing the segment of his show called "Jim's Final Four Minutes"

Due to Tom's inspiration to do something great for this fantastic industry of network marketing, on the 4th of January 2008 I launched my own radio show called ACES Radio Live.

ACES Radio Live has become a labor of love and to date we have had visitors from over 47 countries from around the world visit our show.

You can learn more about ACES Radio Live by visiting our brand new blog site for the show at:

Please take a minute to check out our new ACES Radio Live site to learn more about what we're doing to "Stack The Deck In Your Favor."


Warm Regards and God Bless,

Jim Gillhouse
Host of ACES Radio Live

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Sunday, January 21, 2007

The Law of Respect

Good morning Tom and Hello to our listening audience

Please feel free to post your comments and provide us with some feedback.

On our last show we were discussing “The Law of Solid Ground” which is the sixth law in John C. Maxwell’s great book “The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership.”

This morning I want to talk about “The Law of Respect” the simple interpretation being.
People Naturally Follow Leaders Stronger Than Themselves!

Not counting my athletic and Scouting background I’ve been working in some form of a leadership position for well over thirty years now and in all of that time I’ve have seen this law manifest it’s self over and over again.

“The Law of Respect” is a very simple law to understand—in every demographic structure there is a formal and an informal chain of command. Within the formal chain of command the authority figure is given their authority from their company. Within the informal chain of command the authority figure (The Leader) is empowered by their followers. These followers if you will are drawn to the “Leader” out of “Respect” for the competence, connection, and character they exemplify.

Think about this as a numeric qualifier. Let’s use a scale of 1 – 10 to address a person’s leadership ability. Let’s use the number 1 to represent a very weak leader and the number 10 to represent a very strong leader.

Now, let’s take that a step further because the more leadership ability a person has, the more quickly they recognize leadership—or it’s lack—in others. Consequently, while a person that is a 6 on our scale will naturally follow an 8, 9 or 10—they will not follow a 4, 3 or 2—at least not for long.

The beauty of “The Law of Respect” in the “Home Based Business World” is that Leadership is proven by stepping up and assuming it—we also have the ability to find mentors and build friendships with some really great people that are motivated solely by helping others to grow.

Think about this statement right out of John Maxwell’s book “When people respect someone as a person, they admire her. When they respect her as a friend they love her. When they respect her as a leader, they follow her.”

Today I’m going to leave you with this parting thought

The greatest test of respect comes when a leader creates major change within an organization. Ask yourself this question—“If I were to attempt to make a major change within my team, organization or even family—how would it be received?”

With that being said—Remember to tune in and catch the show next Saturday morning.

Have a great weekend, help someone without any strings attached, become a “Pay It Forward” practitioner, become a student of leadership and watch your life change for the better.

Success Is A Choice—Here’s To Yours!!!

Back to you Tom

To learn more about the company that we have chosen to partner with visit our website at:
Bazi World Wide

Next time you need to make some travel arrangements visit our travel partner—Enterprise Travel Partners at the website below:
Wiregrass Travel Partners

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Thursday, October 19, 2006

The Law of Solid Ground

Please feel free to post your comments and provide us with some feedback.

On our last show we were discussing “The Law of E. F. Hutton” which is the fifth law in John C. Maxwell’s great book “The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership.”

This morning I want to talk about “The Law of Solid Ground” the simple interpretation being.
Trust Is the Foundation of Leadership!

Over the years of being a leader I have learned that Leadership cannot survive without Trust. When your people know that you’re a person of integrity they will tolerate mistakes but if your integrity ever comes into question your Leadership is at risk.

Here’s a statement right out of John Maxwell’s book “To build trust, a leader must exemplify competence, connection, and character.”

One of the worst things that I have ever seen a leader do to jeopardize their position in relation to “The Law of Solid Ground” is to over promise and then under deliver whit their people. The reason this one factor can be so devastating is because it is seen and felt by more than just the parties involved in the promise.

I try to live by the motto—Its better to under promise and over deliver than to risk the opposite!

We all have the ability to earn respect and increase our leadership by making sound decisions, admitting our mistakes, and putting what’s best for our followers, and our team ahead of our own personal agendas.

Before I forget, let me drive this point home—A leader that does not know haw to admit when they have made a mistake is NO Leader at all.

In my personal opinion the ability to admit making a mistake and learn from it is one of the strongest assets that any leader can posses to instill trust in their followers.

Today I’m going to leave you with this parting thought

This past week I had a conversation whit a good friend about a young man that we both know and he made the following comment—he said that smart people learn from their mistakes, and very smart people learn from the mistakes of others. This is so true because life is to short for anyone to make all of the mistakes themselves.

Find yourself a good mentor, be willing to submit your ego to that person, and become a student of leadership and watch your life change for the better.

Success Is A Choice—Here’s To Yours!!!

Back to you Tom

To learn more about the company that we have chosen to partner with visit our website at:
Bazi World Wide

Next time you need to make some travel arrangements visit our travel partner—Wiregrass Travel Partners at the website below:
Wiregrass Travel Partners

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Thank You Gery DiMarco

I would like to extend my appreciation to Mr. Gery DiMarco for letting me know that multiple posts were missing form the Blog. After investigating the problem I discovered that the problem was due to technical difficulties caused by switching from the old Blogger to the New Blogger.

I have resolved the problem—Thanks to Gery’s notification.

Gery I appreciate your feedback and your continued support.

Success Is A Choice—Here’s To Yours!

Warm Regards,


To learn more about the company that we have chosen to partner with visit our website at:
Bazi World Wide

Next time you need to make some travel arrangements visit our travel partner—Wiregrass Travel Partners at the website below:
Wiregrass Travel Partners

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The Law of E. F. Hutton

Please feel free to post your comments and provide us with some feedback.

On our last show we were discussing “The Law of Navigation” which is the sixth law in John C. Maxwell’s great book “The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership.”

This morning I want to talk about “The Law of E. F. Hutton” the simple interpretation being.
When the Real Leader Speaks, People Listen!

Some of you may remember the old TV commercials about E. F. Hutton financial consulting and how people would get real quiet and try to listen in on the conversations about anything that was being said on behalf of the legendary E. F. Hutton.

This exemplifies how much influence real leaders have within an organization. The following list will help you to differentiate between a positional leader and a real leader.

Positional Leader
· Speak first
· Need the influence of the real leader to get things done
· Influence only the other positional leaders
Real Leader
· Speak later
· Need only their own influence to get things done
· Influence everyone in the audience

The real test of leadership isn’t where you start out. It’s where you end up that counts.

With that in mind, let’s examine the process of becoming the kind of person that people will go out of their way to listen to. The making of an E. F. Hutton if you will and the personal qualities necessary to

1. Character—Who they are.
2. Relationships—Who they know.
3. Knowledge—What they know.
4. Intuition—What they feel.
5. Experience—Where they’ve been.
6. Past Success—What they’ve done.
7. Ability—What they can do.

As the prime minister of England—Margaret Thatcher once said “Being in power is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, you aren’t.”

Today I’m going to leave you with this parting thought

The proof of leadership is found in the followers.

With that being said—Remember to tune in and catch the show next Saturday morning.

Have a great weekend, help someone without any strings attached, become a “Pay It Forward” practitioner, become a student of leadership and watch your life change for the better.

Success Is A Choice—Here’s To Yours!!!

Back to you Tom

To learn more about the company that we have chosen to partner with visit our website at:
Bazi World Wide

Next time you need to make some travel arrangements visit our travel partner—Wiregrass Travel Partners at the website below:
Wiregrass Travel Partners

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